Is there any better way to learn the alphabet than with a cute ABC caterpillar? This adorable activity promotes letter recognition.
Your child should master 5 key skills before you begin formal reading instruction. Discover 20 ways to develop these skills.
Promote pre-reading skills with these fun hands-on activities your child can enjoy while you cook dinner!
Learning the alphabet is FUN when you have ABC bracelets! Download this free letter recognition activity.
This easy-to-make fabric alphabet will provide hours of kid-friendly, educational fun. Download our free template!
Creating letters with playdough allows children to feel the alphabet . . . literally. Download our free templates here.
Help your child increase letter knowledge and develop phonemic awareness with this selection of alphabet picture books!
These tactile letter cards provide a great multisensory way for little ones to learn about the alphabet.
Familiarize your preschoolers with the alphabet by creating the alphabet with building blocks!